154 Norris Rd., Waynesboro, Tennessee, 38485- MLS# 2384787
- Land with Acreage for Sale
- Lewis County, TN
- 20.47 Acres for Sale
- Waynesboro, Tennessee
- Acreage for Sale
- Clasha Tanner, Realtor
- United Country Columbia Realty & Auction
Acreage for Sale in Lewis County, Tennessee.
Beautiful and very private 20.47 acres. This land has a spring fed pond, nice driveway with to beautiful building spots that has already been cleared. The land has been perked and has a temporary electrical pole( not hooked up) One of the building spots over looks the pond and has a beautiful view of the hills of Tennessee. The water supply on the land will have to come from a well and has been marked by Gentry Drilling where the well should be dug.
Meriwether Lewis is available for fiber optic internet.
The land has lots of 4 wheeler trails that have been cut around the property, and it has been surveyed.
Call Clasha Tanner for more information at 931-306-7138
Land for Sale in Waynesboro,TN
Lewi County, Tennessee
Waynesboro, Tennessee
Tennessee Land
20.47 Acres
Clasha Tanner 931-306-7138