Central Texas modular home Development land for sale
Excellent future income opportunities for a real estate developer, on this large tract of development
land for sale in Coryell County Texas. Central Texas is experiencing land development at a pace never
seen before in history. This rare real estate listing offers an opportunity for commercial, and
residential development.
Central Texas commercial land for sale
This large land tract is well suited for the commercial or manufactured homes developer with the properties 4500 ft. of road
frontage on Texas FM116. The commercial road frontage tract is split into two separate tracts, making it
even more attractive for subdividing further, as a phase one ( 11 acres ) and phase two ( 31 acres )
development structure. Your new Texas property is well positioned for retail, storage facility, hospitality, medical, big
box, office or governmental facilities. Rest assured, no matter what the intended uses are for this central
Texas land is, or who the end user commercial clients you want to attract are, any one of them will be
impressed with each having their own great public visibility and signage.
Residential land tract for sale in Gatesville Texas
With an ever increasing demand for central Texas affordable homes for sale, and Texas manufactured homes sites. This 81 acre land tract with city utilities on or near the property is well positioned for a residential manufactured home community subdivision. All three properties are currently being taxed at AG status and will be less costly to own as the new owner completes the entitlement process. The 81 acres has over 3800 ft of road frontage on a secondary paved road providing great access points for the new residential home owners.
Where is a good manufactured Texas development land tract for sale?
Your answer is Gatesville Texas. Gatesville has many advantages over other communities, including
community attitude, labor availability, cost of living, housing costs, community school system, and local
tax climate with a low tax rate and strong tax abatement program. Gatesville has a sound economy with
strong financial institutions. If your business is looking to relocate, this property just may have the site
you’re looking for! Here are just a few of the things that make Gatesville a prime location for your
central Texas real estate land development. Gatesville is centrally located in the Heart of Texas at the
intersection of State Highways 84 and 36, giving easy access to I35, for commerce and trade
Why Gatesville is a good choice for land development?
Gatesville is a diverse community with an economy based on retail, agriculture, and criminal justice.
Gatesville has steadily grown their relationship with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice since 1989
and there are currently several prisons in the area providing great jobs and sound need for housing.
There are many advantages for locating your business here or for calling Gatesville home. Gatesville
citizens enjoy one of the lowest crime rates in the state, along with one of the highest percentages of
closed cases and recovered property. New home owners do enjoy both.
Gatesville enjoys an unemployment rate of 3.6%, and draws from a labor pool encompassing an area of
approximately 40 miles, including portions of the Waco MSA, with a labor force of 99,500. The
Temple/Killeen MSA includes a total civilian labor force of 114,000, with an unemployment rate of 4.3%.
With Fort Hood being just an hour away, many military support families are located here as well.
Coryell Health located here in Gatesville, is governed by a local board. A full care system, Coryell Health
can provide the latest healthcare and emergency services as well as residential and home health
services. There are a number of additional medical facilities within 30 minutes of Gatesville. Carl R.
Darnell Army Medical Center, Metroplex Health System, and the Baylor Scott & White McLane
Children Hospital & Medical Center.
The Gatesville Municipal Airport is a general aviation airport consisting of a 3,400 foot runway with
Visual Flight Rules approach and Automated Weather Observation System that is accessible by
telephone or aircraft radio. Located 3 miles west of Gatesville, the airport has services provided by
Centex Aviation.
Gatesville Texas making development approvals a streamlined
process for developers
The Gatesville town fathers continue to keep things simple for central Texas land use. Encouraging
growth and renewal through a planned process with a uniform set of standards the community will
continue in a safe and progressive path into the future. Below is a link for your review of the basics of
land use and development in Gatesville.
Can the large acreage land tract be used as Texas Industrial land
This being the largest of the parcels offered, and not identified as of today for its future land use. The
short answer is yes. This larger parcel would make a great site for manufacturing, energy industry, and
light industrial, including transportation related industry. It makes sense for this use as the front
property is identified future land use as commercial. Regardless of any use approved, the access to all
parcels is excellent.
What Texas real estate company is best for selling commercial
The answer is, United Country Real Estate and their Commercial Property Experts. As a division of
United Country Real Estate, UC Commercial Properties has hundreds of offices nationwide, with brokers,
agents and auctioneers specialized in a variety of commercial properties.
Our real estate professionals have expert knowledge with the listing and sales of commercial, industrial
properties including existing businesses, former operations and vacant parcels of land. It’s their goal to
meet the distinct needs of buyer and seller alike.
Maybe you want to sell a versatile 5-story complex with apartments, office units and a restaurant in
Central Texas. Or perhaps you picture a 16-acre development property in Texas with an RV park, cabins,
boat rentals and a country store.
Whichever type of opportunity you seek, United Country will be there to guide you through the process
and meet your real estate needs as your listing and marketing team to bring buyers attention to your
Who are the best Texas real estate brokers to sell your commercial property, farm or ranch?
Kim Hill, broker at, UCRE – H5 Auction & Realty offers an abundance of experience and knowledge of
Texas commercial land and ranchland real estate for sale. As an ALC, Accredited Land Consultant,
Realtree Land Pro, Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE), graduate of the Texas Realtors Leadership
Program (TRLP) and a preferred realtor of the Veterans Land Board (VLB), Kim and her professional team
can help with all your Texas commercial property needs. Kim’s genuine and transparent candor
combined with her win-win negotiating style and exceptional staff she employs has consistently ranked
her in the top 1 percent amongst her peers in real estate sales volume over the last 10 years.
Michael Krieg, also with United Country Real Estate is a commercial/business properties expert,
representing national and international brands looking for land for expansion or new building
opportunities. He is also a member of the Realtors Land Institute, RLI. Michael is a seasoned
professional in the land development genre as well as the hospitality industry of real estate. Michael
works in 10 western U.S. states and Costa Rica for his clients looking to sell their properties or acquire
Michael Krieg United Country
United Country Commercial
Central Texas Land for sale
Texas commercial property
Storage unit development
Modular Home Park Development
Commercial development land
Storage business land for sale
Commercial Property
Land for Sale
Investment & Income