
  • Updated On:
  • February 15, 2025
  • acre symbol
  • 78.12 acres

Investment Development Commercial Land for Sale Wendover, Nv

$ 1,600,000
Pueblo Blvd,


Where is the Best Place to Invest in Real Estate? Elko County, Nevada

Come invest in the Future and take Advantage of the Opportunity Zone Program, established in the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017. Develop your Dream and Maximize your Return on this 78.12 Acres (Two Parcels) of Investment Land For Sale at Pueblo Blvd/Sycamore Blvd, directly across the street from the Toana Vista Golf Course. Electricity, City Water and Sewer are already on site. Call Land Broker John Parsons Today at 775-773-8725.


City of West Wendover, Elko County, Nevada

Acres: 78.12

APNs: 010740206 & 010740209 – Two Parcels

Elevation: 4,580 – 4,700 Ft.

Zoning: C3 – Multi-Use

Land Use Code: Commercial, Light Manufacturing, Renewable Energy Uses, Limited Residential Uses, Public & Quasi-Public Uses, Mobile Homes & more

Electricity: On Site

Water: City – On Site

Sewer: City – On site

Roads: Gravel and Dirt roads

Time Limit to Build: None

Yearly Taxes: $10,429.63

Type of Terrain: Level, Rolling, Gentle, Combo/Varies, Desert, Cleared/Open


A. C-2 Zoning District: Within the C-2 zoning district, but outside locations for planned shopping centers, recreational vehicle parks and the C-3 zoning district, commercial land uses customarily found along highways may be permitted. Such uses may include, but not be limited to, gas service stations, motels and restaurants. Renewable energy uses may be permitted in C-2 zoning districts by conditional use permits pursuant to the process set forth in chapter 10 of this title, and requires a consideration of the public benefit of such use and the likelihood of danger or annoyance to nearby property owners or residents. (Ord. 2009-05, 7-7-2009)
All gas stations shall be subject to the conditional use permit procedure as set forth in chapter 10 of this title.
All structures intended to be located within one hundred fifty feet (150′) of any residential zoning district shall be subject to the conditional use permit procedure as set forth in chapter 10 of this title.
B. Planned Commercial Shopping Centers: Within the C-2, C-3 zoning district, planned shopping centers are permitted. The following standards and policy shall apply to planned shopping centers:
1. Street Access Requirements: Such projects shall be permitted only on a site which abuts an arterial street or highway. Curb cut requirements shall be as follows:
a. State Highways: In accordance with Nevada highway department rules and regulations.
b. City Streets: Seventy five feet (75′) minimum between curb cuts.
2. Required Yards: All buildings and structures, including, but not limited to, service areas and access drives, shall be set back not less than thirty feet (30′) from side and rear property lines and not less than forty feet (40′) from the future or existing street right of way line of an abutting street.
3. Screening For Residential Property; Approval: In addition to other buffer requirements, when the back of the development is across the street from property in a residential district, then a solid fence or hedge not less than six feet (6′) in height shall be installed and maintained by the developer to screen the back of the project from the residential property. Such screening shall be approved by the city council.
4. Internal Traffic Circulation: All parking spaces within planned commercial district parking lots shall be provided with chocks to prevent non-desired traffic movements and to facilitate the channelization of vehicular circulation.
5. Pedestrian Walkways: A system of pedestrian walkways shall be provided so as to separate vehicle and pedestrian movements.
6. Conditional Use Permit: It shall be the policy of the city to require a conditional use permit for all planned commercial shopping centers.
C. Recreational Vehicle Parks (RVPs): Within the C-2 zoning district, recreational vehicle parks (RVPs) are permitted. For the purpose of reviewing such proposed developments, the following shall apply:
1. A conditional use permit shall be required.
2. Such RVPs shall meet all applicable state and city requirements as part of the conditional use permit review.
D. C-3 Zoning District: Within the C-3 zoning district, the central business district (CBD) area of the city contains and will contain the community’s most intensive commercial land uses. This zone is primarily intended for hotel/casino type establishments.
1. Within this area, all commercial activities will be permitted.
2. Within the C-3 zoning district, all structures intended to be located within one hundred fifty feet (150′) of any residential zoning district shall be subject to the conditional use permit procedure as set forth in chapter 10 of this title.
3. Within the C-3 zoning district, light manufacturing activities, such as printing and newspaper production, saddle manufacture and similar uses may be permitted in accordance with the conditional use permit procedure as set forth in chapter 10 of this title. (Ord. 98-09, 10-6-1998)
4. Building setbacks are defined by the international building code and minimum lot dimension is ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
Minimum lot dimension: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet, building setback defined by the international building code. (Ord. 98-09, 10-6-1998; amd. Ord. 2005-07, 12-20-2005)
5. Renewable energy uses may be permitted in C-3 zoning districts by conditional use permits pursuant to the process set forth in chapter 10 of this title, and requires a consideration of the public benefit of such use and the likelihood of danger or annoyance to nearby property owners or residents. (Ord. 2009-05, 7-7-2009)
E. Limited Residential Uses: Provided that there is full compliance with all yard requirements of the applicable R-1 zoning district, limited residential uses may be permitted for any residential buildings which are separate from any light industrial for caretakers, ground keepers, managers or security personnel of light industrial or other uses principally permitted in C-2 and C-3 zoning. Based upon the foregoing, limited residential purposes may be allowed. (Ord. 94-8, 9-20-1994)
F. Public And Quasi-Public Uses: Within the C-2, C-3 zoning district, public and quasi-public uses may be permitted.
G. Mobile Homes: In the C-2, C-3 general commercial district, mobile homes shall be permitted as residences in accordance with the conditional use permit procedures. Mobile homes shall not be permitted as offices or commercial structures, with the exception that trailer, manufactured home or mobile home sales lots may have one mobile home or manufactured home used for office quarters in accordance with chapter 5, article B of this title. A mobile home, when used for a residence, must, for purposes of this subsection, qualify and constitute real property, as established by Nevada Revised Statutes chapter 361.
H. Commercial Zone Abutting Residential Zone: When a commercial zone abuts a residential zone, then a solid fence not less than six feet (6′) in height shall be installed and maintained by the developer to screen the commercial project from the residential property. Such screening must be approved by the city council. (Ord. 98-09, 10-6-1998)

City of West Wendover Community Development – (775)664-3081

For Zoning/Building Permits: Call Elko County Community Development – (775)738-6816


From I-80/Florence Way Exit: South on Florence Way, West on Wendover Blvd, South on Pueblo Blvd. Property is on the North side of Pueblo Blvd.

United Country Real Estate/Legacy Farm & Ranch, LLC is pleased to have been selected as the Exclusive Agent for the seller of this offering. All information has been obtained from sources deemed reliable by United Country Real Estate/Legacy Farm & Ranch, LLC, however the accuracy of this information is not guaranteed or warranted by either United Country Real Estate/Legacy Farm & Ranch, LLC, or the sellers, and prospective buyers are charged with making and are expected to conduct their own independent investigation of the information contained herein. This offering is subject to prior sale, price change, correction or withdrawal without notice and any offer presented does not have to be accepted.


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Investment & Income

Address: Pueblo Blvd
Zip: 89883
Country: United States
Open In Google Maps
Property Id : 391978
Price: $ 1,600,000
County: Elko County
Lot Size (AC): 78.12000
Listing ID: 27015-07087
Office ID: 4861
Listing Address: TBD Pueblo Blvd

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John Parsons