DESCRIPTION: 528+/- acre tract in Lamb County, Texas, just south of Sudan on FM 303. This non-irrigated tract of land came out of CRP a few years back and has been planted in row-crop production since then. This farm is very accessible and located close to the rural community of Sudan, Texas. This farm has primarily been put back into cotton production, but the ...
DESCRIPTION: 528+/- acre tract in Lamb County, Texas, just south of Sudan on FM 303. This non-irrigated tract of la ...
DESCRIPTION: This unique Conservation Reserve Program Tract in West Central Lamb County is in the heart of a great deer hunting area with good population of both Mule Deer and Whitetail Deer. This tract is located just a mile and half south of a large sandhill area that is in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Managed Lands Deer Program. The farm is just a few ...
DESCRIPTION: This unique Conservation Reserve Program Tract in West Central Lamb County is in the heart of a great ...
DESCRIPTION: This Conservation Reserve Program Tract in West Central Lamb County is literally handier than a pocket on a shirt. Being located on FM 246 only 3.5 miles from Sudan, Texas and Sudan ISD, this land has great possibilities. This property is being marketed as a Conservation Reserve Program investment tract, but could also offer future potential for other development. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ...
DESCRIPTION: This Conservation Reserve Program Tract in West Central Lamb County is literally handier than a pocket ...
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