Certified Credit Experts
We are revolutionizing the industry through speed, education, restoration, origination and repair. You have found a credit repair company that is like none other. “You Don’t Pay Until it Goes Away” is the motto of this credit repair company. Simply put we don’t charge you until the items are repaired. Our competitors are charging you for trying to fix your credit, never pay for someone to attempt to fix your credit: only pay for results. The thought of that is ridiculous, and can you imagine if other industries tried this approach. Seriously would you pay your mechanic for attempting to repair your car, what about your accountant attempting to prepare your taxes? The list could go on and on. You will never pay us for attempts only for results!!!
How Your Expert Credit Repair Company Will Improve Your Credit Profile
We attack your credit from multiple angles.
What You Can Do — We work with you on devising an action plan for things you can do to maximize your credit profile; simple adjustments to the way accounts are being reported can have a massive impact on your overall credit grade, and profile. We educate you every step of the way so you know how you can continue to manage your credit long after your time with us.
What We Can Do — Second, we attack the items that are potentially reporting incorrectly, items that are outdated, unverifiable, misleading, or questionable. We assist in the correspondence needed to interact with the major credit bureaus. Certified Credit Experts is a credit repair company that is a division of Addleman Law Firm and Addleman Law firm will work with directly with your creditors to remove or correct these questionable negative items from your credit report. During the entire process we are documenting everything. When we discover violations of the FRCA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), FDCPA (Fair Debt Collections Practices Act), FCBA (Fair Credit Billing Act), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Act) our Attorneys will fight for your rights and negotiate a fair and equitable settlement or deletion of the account for you.
Documentation — The third step in the process is to document what we have removed. Since our company does not charge any upfront fees and only bills you for what we have repaired or removed we require each case we take on to enroll is some form of credit monitoring. In this third step we will update your report verify what has been removed and create an invoice for you. This third step is 40 days after we have taken on your case. Most of our clients get the improvement that they need in this round. But if not we continue on attacking the accounts potentially reporting incorrectly, items that are outdated, unverifiable, misleading, or questionable.