Location: St Joseph MO
Short Legal: Twn57N, Rng36W, Sec 32.
Total Acres: 88.99+/-
Directions: South of Saint Joseph on Hwy 59 to U Highway. West on U approximately 2.5 Miles to SW 51st Road. Take SW 51st Road North ½ mile to gravel road heading West toward levee (through gate). Follow the gravel West ½ mile to farm. Farm on South side of Gravel Road.
Taxes: $117 (2020 Tax Year).
South St Joseph Drainage and Levee District Tax Levy for 2021: $277.99
Soils: Soils (levee protected) mostly comprised of Onawa silty clay, 0 to 2 percent slopes, Haynie silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes. Soils (not levee protected) mostly Onawa silty clay, 0 to 2 percent slopes, and Haynie silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes.
FSA Information: Total Acres 88.99+/-, Cropland Acres 50.1+/-. Approximately 30.8+/- Tillable acres are levee protected with the remaining acres being outside the levee.
Description: Multiple features on this unique farm. Part of the farm is levee protected with the remaining acres located outside the levee. 30.8+/- acres of excellent levee protected bottom farm. The portion of the farm outside the levee makes for excellent recreation and hunting. Lots of Deer sign on the farm with potential to establish duck hunting. Farm joins the Missouri River.
Farm is conveniently located South of Saint Joseph MO with several grain outlets being in close proximity. Strong farming community with plenty of successful farming operations if you are looking for a tenant. Current tenant on the farm has done a great job with the farm.
Sellers will obtain documented legal access to farm with approved offer.
Row Crop Bottom Land
Excellent Hunting Recreation
Duck Hunting
Deer Hunting
Row Crop Tillable Land
Levee Protected Tillable
Missouri River Bottom Farm
Farms for Sale