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What to Look for When Hiring a Ranch Hand

Posted by abreitenbach on March 20, 2021

A ranch hand is an important part of keeping a ranch running successfully. They do everything from caring for livestock to day-to-day chores and duties for the ranch.  If you’re looking for a qualified ranch hand to help you in your daily operations, or if you’re thinking of becoming a ranch hand, here are some important skills and characteristics you’ll need to consider.

Knowledge of livestock and farm animals.

One of the main jobs of a ranch hand is to take care of the animals on the ranch. Feeding, cleaning, medicating, preparing for travel, preparing for sale, the ability to detect illness are just a few of the many things a typical ranch hand will need to be able to do.

Eager and hard-working.

Ranch life is ever-changing. It’s important for a ranch hand to be eager to learn new skills and gain more knowledge. The hours are not your typical 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday job. Ranch hands should expect to work sun up to sun down.

Able to operate heavy machinery.

The use of farm equipment, tractors and other heavy machinery are daily occurrences on a ranch.

Ranching experience.

The more experience someone has working directly on a ranch, the better. It helps them understand the lifestyle, animal behaviors, use of equipment and more.

Enjoys the work.

Being a ranch hand is not going to make them rich. The average salary is $25,000-$30,000 per year. That’s why it’s important for the person to genuinely enjoy the work.

Since 1925, United Country Real Estate has been a leader in the sale of recreational ranches, luxury ranches, hunting ranches, cattle ranches, horse ranches and more. Learn more how we can help you buy or sell ranch land at


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