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Temple Grandin – The Pioneer in Ranch Land Design

Posted by UC Social on May 13, 2019

Imagine being able to see the world differently, through pictures and symbols instead of written and spoken words.

That’s exactly how Temple Grandin sees it after being diagnosed with a form of autism at a young age.

Having that unique ability has made her a pioneer on humane animal handling and, in turn, completely revolutionized the ranching industry. Her passion for animals, combined with her experience and education (she earned a doctorate in animal science), opened the door for her to create a proposal that would improve the cattle-handling system. The proposal detailed designs for meat processing plant holding pens and walkways that made it easier and more efficient for both the animals and the plant workers.

Grandin firmly believed that the behavior of cattle was determined by the design of cattle handling facilities.

She studied the behavior of livestock and how they reacted to their surroundings. She was one of the first to report that animals are sensitive to visual distractions like chains and shadows that may not be noticed by humans. This led her to design adapted curved corrals that reduced stress and injuries for animals that are being transported.  This design is used today by ranchers all over the world.

Grandin is not only a pioneer in the ranch and livestock industry, she is also an advocate and inspiration for those suffering with autism.

She was one of the first adults to publicly disclose that she was autistic, first speaking about it in the mid-1980s.  Due to her work with those with autism and her contributions on handling livestock, she has received numerous awards and honors. Some of those include being named as one of the most influential people by Time Magazine in 2010, earning the Meritorious Achievement Award from the World Organization for Animal Health in 2015, being inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and also, most recently, being inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 2017.

As the leader in ranch land sales across the country, we at United Country Real Estate would like to salute this pioneer in the ranching industry.

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